How to create a “This Is Your Life Movie” that knocks
everyone’s socks off!
One of the greatest gifts you can give for someone’s
birthday, retirement, honorarium, wedding, anniversary, mitzvah, or any other
special occasion, is to create a video that tells their life story, that gets
played at their event or party.
This is something I do professionally (
and I’ve developed some tips to help guide you to create an actual short
documentary style movie that captures an individual’s essence and personality,
in a way that’s highly entertaining.
In my opinion, it’s basically the most personal thing you
can do to show someone how much you care. And if you do it right, it’ll be so
warm, touching, and funny, it’ll blow everyone away.
So if you’re with me so far and ready to try something great,
here goes.
First, ask the individual’s friends and family for photos.
If they’re digitized, that’s easier, but since many people still have old photo
albums, put the best photos under a good light, and digitize them with your own
Next, ask for anecdotes and get the individual’s life story.
Where were they born? Where did they grow up? What were they like as a kid?
What were their interests? Who were their friends? I try to get everything
about their lives as if I’m doing a research paper.
If the video is going to be a surprise, make sure to do this
in secret. If the individual is in on it ahead of time, then use them as a
primary resource without hesitation.
After the initial interviews, go home and input the photos
into your computer. Make sure you have backups of both your photos and video
footage on a separate hard drive as you put together your project.
Write a narrative script about the individual’s life in
chronogical order and record your voice-overs. It could start with something like,
“He was born in Brooklyn and grew up in a rough neighborhood, so he had to be
tough to survive.” Then describe how his upbringing affected his personality.
After you put in the narration, mix, match, and shorten the appropriate
photos for each narrative to help tell the story. Sometimes I also add photos from
the web, such as a map of their hometown to bring in an extra element.
Once you’ve scripted their life, and have a rough draft, prepare
for the live interviews with their friends and family. It’s best to try to
gather everyone at the same place and schedule them every 20 or 30 minutes, individually
or in small groups.
Think of questions before-hand that will elicit interesting
anecdotes as well as possible humor. I usually go in with about a page or two of
notes based on their previous information, to get the highlights of the
honoree’s life. I also coach my interviewees to bring out some humor.
When I interviewed the workers of one honoree who owned a
window washing business for example, I had them describe how their boss,
“wouldn’t do second floor windows because he was afraid of heights.” This was
so obviously untrue, that it brought down the house with laughter.
There are whole books devoted to video, sound, and lights,
so I won’t get into too much detail, but the better you’re able to frame your
shots, control the audio, and have adequate lighting, the better the finished
product will look and sound. I personally use a 3 chip high def camera,
professional lighting and a shotgun microphone. There are people far more
expert about this subject then myself, but since this video will not only be
for the party, but also for posterity, try to do the best you can.
Use the questions as a guide,
but if someone goes off into a unexpected direction, be prepared to ask follow
ups. You never know what people are going to bring up, but the more you get on
film, the more you have to work with when you’re editing. On the other hand, if
someone goes off on a tangent that seems less promising, try to swing back to
your other questions.
Once you’ve got your footage, input everything into your
computer and start editing. Again, make sure you have backups on a separate
hard drive. Begin by separating the material that has a chance of being used
from the stuff that’s not as interesting. This is probably the most tedious
part of the whole job, but when you’re done, you should have the best footage
ready to play with.
Next, go back to your script and add your voice over
narration to the photos. Figure out what should go where based on the
chronological timeline and match them up to accentuate the story.
I usually use categories like Early Childhood, Family Life,
Career, Hobbies, Eccentricities, and Prepare Your Hankies for starters. Add as
many or as few as you want depending on your subject’s life and interests.
This is also a good place to add a little humor. For
example, I’ll show a series of actual photos of the individual and their
friends and family, and then mix in a picture of Brad Pitt or even a
Kardashian. The juxtaposition of these completely unrelated and unexpected
celebrity shots usually get a good laugh.
I also added a joke for one family that lived on an estate
when their daughters were young, by showing a picture of the estate, and
stating, “So Erin and Lauren grew up thinking they were rich.”
As you’re editing, feel free to experiment by creating extra
files so you’re previous version is always safe. This way, you can always go
back if you don’t like your newest changes.
Once you’ve got several blocks of narration with the
appropriate photos, it’s time to add the interviews into their logical
categories to create a blend.
When I’m done putting together the whole thing, I go back
and add titles and music. You definitely want opening and closing titles, but I
find titles are also a great way to add information throughout the video, as
well as an easy way to score some more jokes. I also use Garage-band to add
music underneath the opening and closing titles, as well as anywhere else that
I think it might be of help.
If you have extra time and want to add some more pizzaz,
play around with special effects. Often when someone talks for a long time,
I’ll fast forward their speech to show how long they were talking and then slow
it down again for added humor. Of course, I always make sure that that person
can take a joke.
Another time, I shot video for a bat mitzvah girl who was a
karate expert and used special effects showing her breaking boards and chopping
watermelons to make a humorous infomercial which I called, “The Julia Chopper.”
After it’s all done, I go back and cut out the fat. I show
it to my wife and some friends and usually edit it down to 10-15 minutes.
There’s no rule that says it has to be that length, but unless you’re a master,
you’re more likely to leave in stuff that isn’t needed and slow things down.
Keep the best.
Remember, these events are usually for business or family
functions, so unless you’re making a video for a bachelor party, try to keep
everything in PG.
I’m going to assume that either you or someone else will be
able to secure a movie screen, sound equipment, and video projector. Hopefully,
this is all done professionally and all you have to do is bring a dvd (plus
backups), laptop, or Ipad, and you don’t have to worry. Either way, talk to
whoever is in charge ahead of time and get there early enough to make sure
everything works. Technical difficulties with video happen frequently, so be
prepared to take a few minutes extra to figure it all out.
The best time to play your tribute video is right after the
toasts, because everyone is usually focused and attentive and your movie
becomes the icing on the cake.
I personally like to introduce the video’s I’ve made, to set
it up so that everyone knows it’s going to be a little different and to ensure
it has their full attention.
With that in mind, I also ask everyone to turn off their
cellphones and make sure the waitstaff holds off on serving food or collecting
dishes. I can tell you from personal experience that there is nothing worse
then watching your audience get distracted by clanking glasses and crashing dishes,
so talk to the party planner or matre’di to make sure they’re all on the same
If all goes well, you can create a video that’s not only charming but even electric. If you get
the right balance of warmth, humor, and detail, it can be an homage to the guest
of honor that will not only be loved when it’s played at the party, but will be
an amazing keepsake for them and their family for the rest of their lives.
Yes, it takes a lot of work and care. But when you see the
reactions on everyone’s faces, you’ll know it was well worth the time.
And that’s a gift worth giving.
Harry Freedman is the creator of The Ultimate Tribute Video,
a customized humorous biographical
“this is your life” style movie about someone’s life for any important landmark
Harry is also a professional comedian who frequently opens
for Ray Romano, and has been profiled in the NY Times for his Corporate Comedy
Put-ons for Fortune 1000 companies, in which he’s introduced as a fake expert
at conventions and proceeds to veer off into customized humor. For more
information, check out:
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at or call at
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